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CoastNet: Blending Data Sources to Monitor Algal Blooms in British Columbia

By January 17, 2021January 4th, 2023No Comments
Institution: University of Victoria
Theme: Human activity
Area of Vulnerability: Coastal communities

Project Complete

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Nicolas Preston, University of Victoria

Principal investigator

Dr. Yvonne Coady, University of Victoria


Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards, Cohort 1

The need for coastal intelligence has gained added importance in light of accelerating global changes in coastal ecosystem services and function. The capacity to monitor coastal processes and change is relevant to a broad range of stakeholders. Engaging a broad range of data sources could prove invaluable for monitoring changes and threats across a wide range of ecosystems. The principal goal of this project is to design a framework for fusing big data streams from networked in situ instruments, manual sampling, crowdsourced knowledge-sharing networks, instrumented aircraft and vessels, as well as remote sensing to help identify and forecast harmful algal blooms, monitor ecosystem health and protect food security in the region.